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Calendar icon18 October 2023 4:39 pm OpinionGeoff's Blog

Why Your Company Website Will Rock in 2024!

With 2024 just around the corner (yes really…) you might be wondering, "Do company websites still matter in this age of AI and social media?" Well, grab a coffee, sit back, and let me break down the...

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Calendar icon29 August 2023 3:45 pm OpinionGeoff's Blog

MAC Randomisation - Security feature or Network Headache?

Have you heard about 'MAC Randomisation'? It's a new security feature for iOS and Android devices designed to improve anonymity online. But is it all good news? What does this new feature mean to netw...

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Calendar icon18 July 2023 3:39 pm Website HelpGeoff's Blog

Thinking of Adding eCommerce To Your Website? Here's How…

Prior to the Covid pandemic, most, if not all, businesses were considering some form of eCommerce to bolster their sales channels. Once the pandemic hit it became a more urgent move and, for some busi...

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Calendar icon5 July 2023 3:24 pm OpinionWebsite HelpGeoff's Blog

Is Summer a Waste of Time?

No matter what business you're in, there is usually a seasonal element to how busy you are. Retail stores tend to be busy in the run up to Christmas, while the travel and housing markets are busier in...

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