Recognizing the developing need for IP networking knowledge in audio sales and installation BADA (The British Audio Video Dealers association) commissioned Presto to design and deliver a bespoke computer networking course for it’s members.
Presto took the brief and developed the course ensuring tight focus on AV dealers needs. Netwrok basics, IP addressing, router setup and network infrastructure planning where all included. The resulting “Netcraft” course has now been delivered to over 50 BADA members at venues across the UK. The course has been promoted heavily by Naim audio in support of their NaimNet audio streaming products and to that end the company kindly hosted three Netcraft days over the summer, all of which where fully subscribed.
Speaking after the training, Simon Byles, BADA chairman, said, “We are very pleased that our partnership with Naim Audio, and their efforts to promote the Netcraft course to retailers, worked so well and gave the very important issue of network connectivity such prominence.” He went on to say “Naim are experienced in the manufacture of networked audio products and could see the worth in delivering this course to retailers to help them with any integration issues they may have. Netcraft teaches retailers skills that provide a real benefit for customers who are having networked solutions installed in their houses”.
To find out more about Netcraft why not visit the BADA website.