Your website can’t be just a ‘pretty face’ ...
Hopefully it goes without saying that your website should look nice, be clearly identifiable as belonging to your brand and be easy to navigate. All of these things will encourage visitors to dig deeper into your site and find out more about what you do. So, what next?
After the exciting graphic design and coding stage of building a website the final content needs to be added. Text, images and video are what we're talking about here and they're surprisingly difficult things to come by. Finding time and money to develop great content is a hard but essential part of a website build. What's more, you'll need to get into the habit of generating more new content once the website goes live. Just like a new born baby, a new website needs feeding and nurturing constantly if it's not to wither and die. To keep visitors coming back you'll need to add interesting, relevant and high quality content on a regular basis.
Keeping visitors to your website interested shouldn't be the only reason for working hard on your content. Search engines (like our old friend Google) get to see the headings and text on your web pages, but miss the 'prettier' side of things like colour and imagery. In fact, unless you help them out, search engines don't understand what your image files contain at all! For a search engine to understand your website you'll need to help them out with great text and well tagged pictures. Search engines also want to see regular updates to your site to believe it's worth coming back too. The long-term success of your site depends heavily on your search engine rankings. After all, how useful is a stunning website that nobody will ever find?
If you're working towards a new website, we can help. We'll work with you to develop a 'voice' for your content so that a team of people can all work on the same site with a consistent tone and message. We'll give you guidance on making sure your site content is search engine friendly and we will code the site to make sure that all your smashing new text is found easily. Alternatively, we have a team of technical writers who are well versed in the process and can write text for you.
Why not drop us a line for a chat?