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Calendar icon10 January 2011 12:00 am EventsCompany News

Viva Las Vegas!

CES (the Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas is the largest expo of gadgets and gadgetry in the world. Every January the entire industry heads off for “Sin City” for the four-day show, which t...

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Calendar icon2 October 2010 12:00 am Company News

Presto joins forces with BADA and Naim to deliver Network training

Recognizing the developing need for IP networking knowledge in audio sales and installation BADA (The British Audio Video Dealers association) commissioned Presto to design and deliver a bespoke compu...

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Calendar icon1 August 2010 12:00 am Company NewsWebsite Launches

Forces Recruitment Services (FRS) choose Presto for media design

As a rapidly growing company setup to change the way forces leavers find work in civvy street Forces Recruitment Services (FRS) were rightly choosy when looking for marketing support partners. Having...

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Calendar icon2 December 2009 12:00 am Website Help

Tune in your new TV!

In the TV business the selling process starts back at the factory when manufacturers often set up each screen to look over bright and colorful in a retail store. In retail world the brightest set wins...

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