Is your website as good as it could be? If your website isn’t performing as well as you expect, it’s time to figure out why.
At this year's ISE show we'll be presenting '20 Website Must Haves', a new CEDIA course exploring the essential features of a modern business website.
Using practical examples from our own client website portfolio, we'll provide you with some great takeaway tips. There'll also be a checklist for attendees to measure their own website's performance and suggestions for improvement.
With plenty of time for discussion, we'll use our web design experience to clearly explain the killer features you'll need to set your website out against the competition and make it more effective in driving sales. We'll also explain the aspects of a website that effect search engine rankings and the legal requirements for a business website.
The course starts at 2pm on Thursday 11th Feb 2016 in room D202 of the RAI Centre and will run for 90 mins.